Any man can be a father, it takes someone special to be a dad.

Monday, 20 November 2006

Where to start?

Well, seeings this is my first post thought i'd tell you about Baby Banana's first trials in Baby led weaning...

Have read up a few things on it and well thought i'd test the water. (see links a gogo for BLW research)

We started about a week ago but just dipped our toe in! gave BB a stick of roast carrot while we ate our scrummy sunday roast. First thoughts were... "well done BB" it went straight in her mouth! She sucked and gnawed at it for the duration of our meal and we had peace and quiet as we ate!

At the end of the meal I thought most of it had broken up into small pieces and skattered on her highchair tray and in her eyebrow. Thought nothing more of it.

Next moring there's a suspicious smell in the air and not of BB's usual variety! Checked her anyway and indeed it was my little BB. Changed her nappy and to my surprise were several digested pieces of carrot! (sorry tmi) So she had done much better than I thought.

Since then she had a strawberry at a friends (to which i then found out is an allergenic fruit so beware) and a slice of cucumber.

Yesterday I tried BB with a piece of roast parsnip from our roast. Silly mummy hadn't quite cooked it as i normally do and it wasn't as soft! some cracking faces when she tried to swallow think it was a bit too stringy! she happily chewed away on that and a piece of carrot.

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